If Children Ever Ruled The World

life lessons from children

What would our world look like if children ruled the world? Have you ever wondered? Perhaps you don’t have children but regardless, it’s a great exercise to go through. We believe that it’ll be an even better place. Why?

Let’s explore below and see how our children could make a better world.

There’ll Be More Laughter

We often are so focused on being productive, or “busy being productive” that we forget to have a good laugh. When was the last time that you had a good laugh? Right, can’t remember. It’s not your fault. We’re programmed to focus on being busy and chasing the dollar. If children were to rule the world, it’ll be a lot more laughter. And that’s a great thing.

There’ll Be Less Judgement

Judgement leads to distorted views, most times far from reality. Children don’t judge. How many of us have judged and been judged? Billions. It’s instilled in us and it’s hard to bypass. Judgement is nothing but a negative factor. There are endless quotes on judging. These have been conceived for good reasons. Imagine a world where judgement goes away. If children were to rule the world, perhaps we’ll realize this. But for now, there’s no hope until we as adults make a serious effort to be less judgemental.

There’ll Be Less Grudges

Kids don’t hold grudges. Adults do. Are we worst than kids? Yes. Children cry in one minute and laugh the next. They don’t hold grudges. They want to be happy and play. There’s no room for “cold shoulder” attitude. Time is more valuable when playing, not holding grudges. Would it be great if we could brush off grudges and collaborate and treat each other well? This could happen if children ruled the world.

There’ll Be More Learning

Kids, especially toddlers have an amazing thirst for learning. We look at our son and he’s entrenched in some of the books that we get for him. We’re all missing the thirst for more education. Why? Because we’re “busy”. When was the last time that you learned something meaningful that you can apply to your life. Notice I didn’t say job because your life is more important than your job and should always come first. If children were to rule the world we would be more educated and that’s a powerful thing.

There’ll Be More Active Lifestyles

Those chips taste irresistible. “Bet you can’t have just one”. Good marketing slogan but at whose expense? Ours, of course. If children were to rule the world there will be more walking, jumping, running and overall more active lifestyle. How often do we jump in the car and so we can drive 5 minutes to get groceries? Very often. In fact, we’ll argue that it’s 99.99% of the time. What if we walked more? Biked more? Ran more? This will not only save your money, it’ll make your healthier. And good health is pure gold.

There’ll Be More Friendlier People

Children have the ability to just go to another child and start playing. Of course kids could be shy at times. However, if you go to a park with your own kids, you’ll realize this. Even if you don’t have kids, you’ll often see kids stopping and trying to “talk” to other kids. What if we were to be more friendlier? Wouldn’t that be more advantageous for us as a society? The interesting fact is that children are friendlier without expecting anything back. We as adults do. It’s the plain truth no matter how you coat it. If children were to rule the world, we would live in friendlier times. And everyone will benefit.

There’ll Always be a New Start

Everyday is a new start. Kids don’t know the day, time, month, year. All they know is that tomorrow will be a new day. A new day to play, laugh and enjoy. We take for granted that every day is a new day. We’re too busy looking into the past or worried about tomorrow. If we were to play and focus on today, there’ll be more happiness in our world. If children were to rule the world, this is one key lesson to learn.

There’s a tremendous amount of learning that we can get from our own children. Even if you don’t have kids, just look around and observe. We certainly believe that there’s a lot to learn. We’re still learning every day. This makes our lives much more interesting and fulfilling. Of course, we’re dead tired by the end of the day. But at least, we know that we’ve done our best and look for new lessons so we can become better parents. If children were to rule the world, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all.

What are your thoughts? How do you see the world if children ruled it?

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