How to Make Toddler Slippers: Fun Crafts

how to make toddler slippers

Here’s a fun craft activity that you can do with your toddler, making slippers! Most of the information available looks at making toddler slippers from various materials such as cloth or fleece and having different (and difficult) quilted slipper patterns. However, we like to keep it very simple, fun and cost effective.

So, how to make toddler slippers fun?

Step 1

Find any piece of cardboard around the house. This can be a shoebox or anything that is somewhat durable. Your toddler may want to wear the new slippers around, so use a sturdier material if possible.

Step 2

Trace your child’s foot with a pencil on the cardboard. Once you have both feet traced, cut around the area. Remember those hand tracing colouring activities? Same idea applies here. Simple. Fun.

Step 3

Make 4 holes: 2 on the top and 2 about 1 inch from the top ones. See the photo below for more details. It’s also wise to measure your toddler’s foot here. Just cut off the slippers you made and you can pencil in the holes at the appropriate distance. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s a fun activity here after all.

Step 4

Get 2 elastic bands and tie them across each other. You can use different colours here if available to make it more fun. And you’re done. How easy was that?

how to make toddler slippers

Here you have it: how to make toddler slippers. This simple, fun and creative way to make slippers for your toddlers is a great way to spend time with you kids when doing crafts. For more fun, you can get the kids to colour the slippers different shades or a solid colour that they may like. The time it takes can be anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on how fun you want to make the process.

Who says that making toddler slippers needs to be complicated, expensive and time consuming? Follow the steps above and get your kids a new pair of slippers in no time. What about you? Are there any other ways on how to make toddler slippers? What are your fun craft activities when it comes to slippers or shoes for your toddlers? Please comment below so we can all learn from each other.

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