Best Morning Routine With Kids That Works

best morning routine with kids

There’s no simple way to a best morning routine with kids. When you have kids schedules get derailed. There’s no way around it. Given the last few years since Covid hit, a majority of people have been working from home.

For those that have worked remotely before, this hasn’t been a huge change especially if you have grown children. However, if you are a new parent and had to do your work remotely, these years have been the most challenging to say the least.

So what’s the best morning routine with kids? Based on our experience, and by no means are these perfect steps to a flawless day, here what’s worked and what didn’t.

1. Set Proper Sleeping Goals For a Best Morning Routine With Kids

Kids that are tired are no fun. Setting up a proper schedule for their sleep will help tremendously. Set a sleeping schedule in place for night, afternoon naps (if your child still needs it) and morning. This sets the tone for your daily routine and it helps knowing when the day starts and when it ends.

We used to set nap times for our two boys however, after a certain age we realized that it’s best to let them play instead or take them outside, usually to a nearby park. Once proper sleeping goals are set, you should be able to plan your next day better. Note, these shouldn’t be set in stone and some flexibility should be allowed, within reason.

2. Get Organized The Night Before

Easier said than done! We’re both exhausted by the end of the day with two very active toddlers. However, think about these in small, incremental steps. For example, what can be put away before wash time and bed prep before sleeping?

Can you perhaps through in some laundry, wash a few dishes or prep some food for tomorrow’s lunch? Anything that can make it “easier” the next day should be consider. Start a list if more convenient. As mentioned, take baby steps. Even if you can achieve two to three things on the list, you’re still ahead.

3. Start With a Healthy Breakfast That Will Set a Better Day

One of the optimal ways to have a best morning routine with kids is aating a healthy breakfast . This will help set your child’s mood for the day. Stay away from sugary stuff. Of course, kids love these but work out a compromise and perhaps you can offer these later in the day.

For example, we make our own cereals with the ingredients that we like such as walnuts, raisins, etc. For a sweeter tooth, we add honey and kids seems to really enjoy this. Also, make a few days a week a “healthy meal” so the kids will get to know what’s healthy and what’s not.

4. Have a Routine Chart

To help have a best morning routine with kids, a daily routine chart or hanging cards should be considered. We have opted out for routine cards. These cards can be made together so it’ll be a fun project with your kids.

Routine activities such as make your bed, brush your teeth, have breakfast, play time, snack time can be made into cards. These cards can then be hung on a child’s bedroom or a dresser. This routine chart will help the kids realize what the day will consist or and is a great way to remind the kids what’s planned for the day.

5. Make Connecting Time Part of Your Morning Routine

Set 5-10 minutes aside to connect with your kids. You can do this first thing in the morning or later in the day to see how your child is doing. For example, we usually start by asking “How’s your sleep”? What did you dream about?, etc. This makes an immediate connection to your child about how he/she is feeling.

6. Before Leaving for School

Have a spot in the house, whether is your kitchen, bedroom, hallway, etc where most of your kids’ school stuff is organized. This can contain backpacks and any other items needed for the entire school day.

7. Get Up Before Your Kids for Optimal Routine

To set a best morning routine with kids, as a parent, you’ll need to get up first. Even if it’s 10-15 minutes ahead of them waking, this will give you an opportunity to get a few things done whether is for yourself or the kids. Also and most importantly, this will give you a chance to set the day.

So if you’re feeling tired, cranky, etc. set yourself right before the kids get up!

8. Have a Clear Idea of Your Own Schedule

As a parent, if you can have clear idea on your next day schedule helps so that you can get right into what’s needed. Whether you have kids that are attending school, babysitting or are at home, having a clear vision on what you need to do helps takes out a lot of anxiety out. So plan for yourself accordingly also.

As mentioned above, there are no clear best strategies when it comes to morning routines with kids. One day can be perfect, the other day can be total chaos! However, a few things that work have been outlined here, in hope that these can help you also.

The routines discussed work for us. Every family is different. However, we believe that these form a good foundation of what’s needed to get the day right in the morning. As we all know, mornings are hectic, especially with children!

We’ll love to hear from others on what works when it comes to a best morning routine with kids. What are some of the activities or strategies that you used to make your morning more optimized? What worked and what didn’t?

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