5 Practical Tips On How To Save Money On Children’s Clothes

Having children is not cheap. Most of us like a good deal. So, it’s appropriate that we explore practical tips on how to save money on children’s clothes this time around. If you haven’t read our earlier article and tips on How Much You Should Spend On Children’s Clothes now it’s a good time to give it a read or bookmark it for later.

We’re all about being practical. There’s no fancy ideology here. We like what works and therefore, only recommend what we think is best. It may not  suit every parent out there but the majority will find these practical tips on how to save money on children’s clothes easy to follow and most importantly beneficial.

Here’s how to save money on children’s clothing

Online Shopping

Amazon is a great place to start. There are countless of deals on children’s clothes and you don’t have to wait for a certain sales event such as Black Friday or Boxing Day to get a great deal. Setting up an account is very simple. Amazon’s algorithm is smart enough so it knows what products you’re interested in (by your search history). Their emails with product recommendations are also useful. So sign up and take advantage of multiple sellers that offer great prices, speedy delivery and good customer service as well as free return in case. Other big box retailers that are worth mentioning also offer some great online sales, so browse their sites often

Google Price Alerts 

Here’s an amazing way to compare over 1 billion products from your favourite stores: Shopbrain. Shopbrain is a Google Chrome extension. Just go to http://chrome.google.com and click under Extensions. Download Shopbrain and you are set. By the way, there’s no cost involved, so it’s a “no brainer”. You will always know the best price for children’s clothes or other baby products. The real value is also in the price comparison tool as well as being able to shop from all your favourite stores and brands.

Out of Season Sales 

If you like to walk around your favourite stores, look for the out of season sales section. Out of season sales offer amazing value as the products need to be moved out of the stores for the new season’s arrivals. You can get discounts of up to 70% or more. This is a very practical way on how to save money on children’s clothes. Just put them away for a few months and your kids will be ready to wear them once the appropriate season is in full force.

Size Up

We all heard that expression “they grow so fast” a million times for a reason, it’s very true. If you find a good deal but you think that it may be too big, just buy it anyway. This will not only save you money but will also free up some shopping time. Use that extra time that you save with the kids at the park or library. You’ve got a win-win here. Practical and simple.

Sell What Doesn’t Fit 

If you’ve got bags and bags of clothes that don’t fit, why don’t you consider selling them? Even though you may not be able to get what you paid for, you’ll be able to earn some cash back that you can use towards your future purchases. Ebay or your local classified Ads sites are a great way to advertise your children’s clothes that no longer fit. So go ahead, get your phone out, snap a few photos and list your children’s clothes in a matter of minutes.

The Obvious

We didn’t want to get into the obvious methods on how to save money on children’s clothes but these are also practical and worth mentioning briefly:

Garage Sale – easy, simple and convenient way to see what your neighbours are offering. You may be surprised what you can find as some families may have brand new clothes that were never worn by their kids.

Clothes Swaps – parents clubs, mothers gatherings, etc. You can set up a swag party and pick the baby clothes that you like.

Thrift Shops – for those that enjoy hunting for bargains, thrift shops may be the answer. Goodwill and Salvation Army are best however, don’t expect high quality here but at time you may get lucky with a lightly used piece of clothing that may just be the perfect fit for your kid.

Online Coupons – plenty of sites offer certain percentage off but most of these are for household items or baby necessities. Nevertheless, its’ worth considering if you like to use coupons.

The above are five plus ways on how to save money on children’s clothes. These are practical as it takes little to no time and it works. As always, we love to hear what other parents do to save money on their children’s clothing, so please comment below and let us know what works best for your family so that others can benefit as well.

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