3 Must Know Tips for Finding a Babysitter

tips for finding a babysitter

So, you’re looking at finding a babysitter? Whether you’re searching for a babysitter near you via an agency or online, there are key factors to consider. Hiring a babysitter is one of the most important decisions that you need to make when it comes to your family. Having a reliable sitter provides flexibility for parents and fun for children. However, if you want to hire on your own or use an agency, what are some of the critical points you need to consider? Let’s look at what you need to know when finding a babysitter in more details

What You Need to Know When Hiring a Babysitter

1. References & Proof of Identity  

Check for references and proof of identity. When it comes to reference checks, it is recommended that two contact points be provided. For example, a last employer and a co-worker. If the babysitter does not have a lot of experience and is fresh out of school, ask one of the professors or teachers along with neighbourhood references.

Questions to ask the referees include: strengths and weakness of the babysitter, why did she leave, how does she rate with children and age brackets and whether they will recommend or hire her again. Identity includes proof of birth certificate, passport, driving license to name a few. Originals are always best as this prevents forgery.

2. Overseas Babysitters

If you are employing an overseas nanny, you need to check the following when finding a babysitter:

  • Qualifications certificates
  • Health status or reports
  • Criminal record
  • Skills and experience
  • Overall interest in working with children

Questions to ask are based around the factors outlined above factors. For example, what kind of qualifications, experience and whether the sitter is registered with any child care organizations are valid questions. Other fun related activities along with meals plans, taking the children out to play, evening babysitting and potty training related questions should also be made.

3. Babysitter Contract / Agreement 

When it comes to the actual babysitting contract, have everything agreed to in writing to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. This can include hours, job description, employment length, sick days, vacation. If you are hiring a living in babysitter, you need to agree on the living terms, typically a room and food on top of a salary.  If you need or want to include any limitations such as time allowed to watch TV, method of payment or others, discuss that with your potential babysitter.


The above factors at the key pillars when looking at finding a babysitter. Consider these as part of your sitter search. Finding a babysitter and making a hiring decision for your family is one of the most important aspects as a parent.

What are some of your suggestions when looking for a babysitter?

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